What initially started life as a typical credentials brochure design project for the Carbon and Energy Fund (CEF) has since become the ‘go to’ energy upgrade guide for all UK Healthcare Estates. Updated, reprinted and available as a digital download, the guide is now A Healthcare Engineering Roadmap for Delivering Net Carbon Zero.
As with its predecessor, this Guide has been developed to assist NHS Trusts in identifying, assessing and delivering commercially viable strategic energy solutions. It is intended to provide information for Directors of Estates, Directors of Finance and their teams, as well as other senior Investment decision makers with responsibility for wider Trust affairs.
The content and technical detail of the document is a valuable source of information for designers, engineers and technical personnel directly involved in the development and delivery of energy solutions.
The development of this guidance document has been endorsed by Baroness Brown of Cambridge – the present Chair of the Carbon Trust and fully supported by The Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management (IHEEM) and Health Estates and Facilities Management Association (HEFMA). Both these organisations are committed to providing ongoing professional support and sharing of best practice guidance with their members as the NHS landscape continues to evolve. The content available within this guide is CPD accredited with CPD points available.
But the story doesn’t end there. The health estates sector has not only praised the new guide for its’ in-depth content and writing style, but also highly commended its’ visual accessibility.
The guide is currently available at www.carbonandenergyfund.net